Night Permit Rules
River Venues - The RDAA Bronze and 24hr permits allow for anglers to fish at night on our river venues, including shared venues where applicable. On these venues no bedchairs, bivvies or open fronted shelters (except brollies) can be used except for Whistley Mill Lower River. This provision is to facilitate fishing after dark rather than sleeping. Please adhere to venue rod limits, see website.
Anglers are permitted to leave their swim for a maximum 90 minute period in any one single 24 Hour period. Anglers are not permitted to stay on a single venue for any one period that exceeds 120hrs.
No angler is to be in possession of or introduce more than 5kg of bait/ground bait per 24hr period.
Pre-baiting and post-baiting is prohibited.
Bait must be removed from the hook when the angler is not in the swim.
Swims cannot under any circumstances be reserved by placing buckets etc in to the swim.
Fish retaining sacks must not be used on any Association waters.
Suitable landing nets, unhooking mats, line and end tackle are required for your target species.
If your tackle etc is deemed to be inadequate by an Association bailiff you will be reported to the Fishery Officer and asked to leave and then only return with upgraded tackle.
Tackle, including rigs and end tackle may be inspected by Fisheries Officer at any time whilst on Association waters.
Night anglers are reminded that they need to vacate a venue booked for a match on the following day by 9pm the night before (see water booking sheet).